◆ 会议简介:
◆ 会议时间:2021年11月10-13日
◆ 会议地点:澳大利亚 墨尔本◆ 会议时间:2021年11月10-13日
◆ 会议地点:澳大利亚 墨尔本
国际皮肤科学会(ISD)由Drs Aldo Castellani和Frederick Reiss于1959年发起成立,学会原名为国际热带皮肤病学会,1992年更名为国际皮肤病学、热带、地理和生态学会,1999年更为现名。国际皮肤科学会(ISD)的宗旨是:促进和支持科学研究,促进不同国家的专业人士皮肤病学的各个领域,特别是热带、地理和生态方面的相互了解和合作;在国际上促进与上述皮肤病学领域有关的思想交流,与皮肤病学教育和发展相关的基金会、机构、组织和学会合作;鼓励对皮肤和性传播感染的地理生态进学行调查研究,并举办与这些主题相关的区域会议和研究生课程;根据现有资料,出版官方期刊和其他出版物;与世界卫生组织和其他有关机构建立关系;定期举行国际大会,至少每五年举行一次。
Welcome to the XIII International Congress of Dermatology 2021
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 13th International Congress of Dermatology. The conference will take place from 10 to 13 November 2021, at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Victoria, Australia.
The International Society of Dermatology (ISD) is 60 years old and this will be the first ISD meeting in the Oceania region. The International Congress of Dermatology will bring 3,000 people from all over the world to the region. Registration will be cheaper for those who are ISD members, which includes the International Journal of Dermatology.
Bringing the International Congress of Dermatology to Melbourne has never been more relevant as our Victorian dermatologists perform their research in world class facilities and have an excellent rural outreach strategy.
The Australasian College of Dermatologists (ACD) is at the forefront of dermatology in Australia and trains medical practitioners in the speciality of dermatology.
The national dermatology workforce is projected to be in critical shortage by 2030. New models of training in expanded settings, such as rural and private practice, is essential to meet the future dermatology service demands. The ACD take our responsibility as educators of future generations of dermatologists very seriously.
With the number of skin cancer diagnoses increasing, coupled with an aging population, the demand for skin cancer prevention, surveillance and management is high. The rapid advent of artificial intelligence diagnostic technology, laser and other cosmetic technologies has raised concerns around quality assurance and lack of regulation.
The ACD is best placed to provide leadership in these areas and advocate for best practice dermatology care for all Australians.
The International Congress of Dermatology provides an open forum for the discussion and sharing of ideas for training and advances in technology for sustainability.
Together with Secretary General of the 2021 International Congress of Dermatology, Rodney Sinclair, I warmly welcome you to Melbourne and hope you join us at the International Congress of Dermatology in 2021.
Professor Dedee Murrell
President, 2021 International Congress of Dermatology
Professor Dedee Murrell
Professor Rod Sinclair
Key Dates
Abstracts Submission Opens: Tuesday 10 March 2020
Registrations Open: Monday 16 November 2020
Abstracts Submission Closes: Tuesday 19 January 2021
Author Notification: Tuesday 16 March 2021
Early Bird Registrations Closes: Tuesday 13 July 2021
Congress Dates: 10-13 November 2021
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